Some Heart-to-Hearts only feature Drivers, during such Heart-to-Hearts the participating Blades are considered to be the Drivers' story Blades.

In others, the total Trust gain will remain the same, but how it is distributed among the participating Blades will differ in this case, the "correct" option is whichever gives more Trust to the Blade(s) the player wishes to prioritize. In some Heart-to-Hearts, one dialogue option will always give slightly more Trust to the main participating Blade than the other, and thus can be seen as the "correct" option. It can be found at Nharil Central Plaza in the. Poppi QT PI's heart to heart and new game + if you do the quest to get Poppi QT PI on your first playthrough but fail to see her heart to heart it does not appear in a new game + which prevents you from completing her affinity chart. One is in the Imperial Villa and the other in throne room. Each option often gives a different amount of Trust to the Blade(s) involved in the Heart-to-Heart, though sometimes the same amount of Trust is awarded for both. Empire of Mor Ardain ( Nharil Central Plaza) Dromarchs Wisdom is a Heart-to-Heart in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Review 30 November 2017 Option 1 (Poppi QT Trust +200) Option 2 (Poppi QT Trust +200) Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. A question about Heart to Hearts (late game spoilers) There's 2 heart to hearts in Alcamoth I can't seem to get to after the events of Mechonis Core. Most Heart-to-Hearts have two different paths the player may choose between one of two dialogue options at some point during those that do. Some cannot be viewed until the story has progressed beyond a certain point, while others require additional prerequisites to be met before they can be viewed (such as completing a particular quest, reaching a certain Key Affinity level or resting at a particular inn).
#Xenoblade chronicles 2 poppi heart to heart drivers#
To view a Heart-to-Heart, all participating Drivers have to be available and all participating Blades must be engaged to their Driver. Media News Board Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Nintendo Switch) Heart to Heart Help I've already watched the Poppi 3rd form Heart to Heart, and I forgot I didn't have my affinity ready for. If that skill isn't filled in than you either haven't. If you already viewed that one than you should be fine since the game remembers that you did those. They can be found in most areas of the game. There are two HtHs involving Poppi QT Pi, one in the Old Factory in Mor Ardain and the other is early on in the World Tree, and that second one is the one you need to view. Heart-to-Hearts are short dialogues between two or more playable Drivers and Blades in Xenoblade Chronicles 2. (Top Answer) +100 trust with Pyra and Poppi I think you’re better like this. For Heart-to-Hearts in other games, see Heart-to-Heart (disambiguation). This article is about Heart-to-Hearts in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.